Blogs > Liberty and Power > Bush, Ever the True Believer, Describes Iraq as "Just a Comma"

Sep 26, 2006

Bush, Ever the True Believer, Describes Iraq as "Just a Comma"

And they call antiwar libertarians starry-eyed ideologues? Even at their most delusional, they can't match statements like these.

Despite daily reports of slaughter, torture, Islamic oppression, and ethnic strife from Iraq, our true believer president proves that he will not deviate in the slightest from his 2003 talking points.

In an interview that ran on Sunday, he told the following to Wolf Blitzer:

“I like to tell people when the final history is written on Iran — Iraq — it will look like just a comma because there is — my point is, there’s a strong will for democracy, these people want a unity government, the unity government’s functioning.”

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