Blogs > Liberty and Power > Conservatives Call for a GOP Defeat in November

Sep 14, 2006

Conservatives Call for a GOP Defeat in November

The latest Washington Monthly features several articles from" conservatives," including Joe Scarborough, Bruce Fein, William Niskanen, and Bruce Bartlett, centered on the theme that it is "Time for Us to Go."

It may be well past"time" in a moral sense but will it actually happen? I am dubious. Much as the Bush administration richly deserves a black eye for its statist sins, I suspect that the GOP will hold its own in November.

The first signs of a Republican rebound are all around. Oil prices seem likely to fall even more and Bush could well contain the mess in Iraq for a few more months because of his deployment of additional troops (now about 145,000!).

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More Comments:

Tom G Palmer - 9/24/2006

I'm afraid that gerrymandering has proceeded so far and that the benefits of incumbency have been increased so much in recent years that loss of the GOP majority in the House is unlikely. That's a shame, because if we've learned anything from this disgraceful administration and congress, it's that divided government has some serious merits, such as actually offering some "checks and balances."

Anthony Gregory - 9/14/2006

I think I like the Buckley piece the best.