Blogs > Liberty and Power > Government Rationed Health Care

Sep 6, 2006

Government Rationed Health Care

The idea of"universal health care" or a"single payer system" would not be so popular if we called it what it is, government rationed health care.

In a column for yesterday's Washington Times titled "Stethoscope Socialism" Deroy Murdock provided some enlightening comparisons between bureaucrat controlled systems and the relatively free market structure we still have in America. He also pointed out that "Unlike America's imperfect but more market-driven health-care industry, nationalized systems usually divide patients and caregivers. In America, patients and doctors often make medical decisions and thus demand the best-available diagnostic tools, procedures and drugs. Affordability obviously plays its part, but the fact that most Americans either pay for themselves or carry various levels of insurance guarantees a market whose profits reward medical innovators. Under socialized medicine, public officials administer a single budget and usually ration care among a population whose sole choice is to take whatever therapies the state monopoly provides. Medicrats often distribute resources based on politics rather than science."

Now some argue that a government controlled system would be more fair. If you believe that then try the following thought experiment. After spending the politically agreed upon amount for world domination and graft here at home the government has only enough money left for one more operation. Both Hilary Clinton and Val who works the checkout line at the local supermarket desperately need this life saving procedure. Who do you think will get the treatment?

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More Comments:

Keith Halderman - 9/8/2006

So when they talk about "universal health care" Val is not part of that universe and the idea that a government take over of the system being for the purpose of helping the poor is a sham.

Oscar Chamberlain - 9/7/2006

"Both Hilary Clinton and Val who works the checkout line at the local supermarket desperately need this life saving procedure. Who do you think will get the treatment?"

In either system Hillary is the likely winner. The current system of organ donation provides the logical comparison.

PS All health care systems ration, including the market.