Blogs > Cliopatria > CT Developments

Aug 7, 2006

CT Developments

I have a piece on the homepage placing the travails of Joe Lieberman in historical context--in the last 46 years, only 19 senators have been denied renomination by their party. A poll out this morning shows that Lieberman has sliced challenger Ned Lamont's lead in half (from 13 points to 6), suggesting that perhaps he might be able to recover tomorrow.

If he doesn't, though, I'd suggest it's less because of his stand on Iraq per se and more because of the themes illustrated in this devastating video. Until very recently, Lieberman seems to have delighted in having become the Republicans' favorite Democrat. His peculiar attempts to backtrack from that stance haven't been convincing, as in his absurd claim yesterday that when he was referring to Karl Rove and not to Democratic critics of the war when said in a WSJ editorial,"In matters of war, we undermine presidential credibility at our nation's peril." Perhaps the visits to CT on Lieberman's behalf of such liberal icons as Max Cleland, Barbara Boxer, and Bill Clinton will allow the senator to scrape through, though as of now, the race would seem a toss-up.

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