Blogs > Cliopatria > Wikiality

Aug 4, 2006


Last year, Stephen Colbert single-handedly summed up certain deep warps in the epistemological fabric of American culture by coining a simple yet powerful word:" truthiness ." Now, it seems, he has enriched the language again.

"Wikiality" replaces the currently useless concept of"reality," rendered null and void following several recent developments in the Executive branch of the United States government. (I have no evidence for this, but know it to possess truthiness.)

More on Colbert's neologizing here.

"Wikiality" does not yet have a Wikipedia entry -- in part because the flood of Colbert fans has done some damage to the site -- but it's only a matter of time.

One day, of course, there will be courses on the history of the '00s. And yes, this will be on the test.

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