Blogs > Liberty and Power > Is Bush Blair's Poodle?

Aug 2, 2006

Is Bush Blair's Poodle?

Brendan O’Neill asserts that the Bush administration is heir to the 'humanitarian warfare' masterminded by arch-interventionist Tony Blair. Well worth reading.

O’Neill concludes thus:"What the liberal commentators berating Blair for being Bush's poodle really seem to dislike about Bush's military interventionism is that it appears brash, uncouth, clumsy. Blair, you see, did it with more panache, making sure to speak about Good and Evil in modern secular terms rather than in Christian fundamentalist tones, and being careful to execute moral-military stunts that lasted a couple of months at most rather than full-scale military invasions. Blair is a good old British warmonger, a moral warrior with style, whereas Bush is loud and outspoken and a bit too gung-ho for British tastes. Again, as far as challenging Western intervention goes, such a stance is as lame as it gets."

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