It's happened again. A House Democrat, though not a particularly mainstream one, changed his party affiliation. This time it's in Texas. Sure it happens the other way sometimes, but it's so rare it's like one of those"exception that confirms the rule" cliches. Even Jim Jeffords only went halfway when he went independent. And why is it always the Democrats who lose in these transactions? (and it is a transaction: the Texan in question freely admitted that the pork was better on the other side of the aisle. I think we're supposed to credit him with devotion to his district and constituents.) There's an old blues spiritual that goes something like"them that hops from church to church, you know their conversions don't amount to much" but usually the hoppers are so" conservative" that they vote with Republicans already. Maybe this"big tent party" stuff is overrated: I'd like to believe that party affiliations are something more than organizational and financial issues. Frankly, I'd like to see the parties close ranks a little bit, start kicking out people who don't have a strong core of ideas in common with the party platforms. That would speed the creation of meaningful third parties... so they probably won't do it.
To his credit, I suppose, this time the guy switched parties in advance of the election. The most egregious one I can remember was Ben Nighthorse Cambpell, from Colorado, who switched party affiliations immediately after the election. If I were in a district where that happened, I'd be very, very unhappy. That's the most brazen form of fraud possible: getting elected to public office under false pretenses. It renews my belief that there needs to be some kind of anti-fraud protection for the public, some mechanism that would allow the voters to remove an elected official who campaigns one way and then acts another. OK, in California there's the recall, but most of us don't have access to that kind of recourse. So what can we do when someone gets elected as a moderate but makes no compromises or concessions to anyone but his hard-core supporters? What can we do when someone campaigns as an independent thinker then votes the party line 98% of the time? I know there's another election coming along, but the point is that the election that should have produced one result instead produced another, and that's just not fair to those of us who are credulous enough to read the papers, think things through and vote.