Blogs > Cliopatria > Textbook Case

Jul 13, 2006

Textbook Case

Diane Jean Schemo,"Schoolbooks Are Given F's in Originality," NYTimes, 13 July, uses examples of plagiarism to illustrate the on-going scandal that the American textbook industry is. Reputable historians allow their names to be listed as authors of books over whose content they may have little influence. Dead two years now, Daniel Boorstin still is left holding a bag. Miami University's Allan Winkler and Wisconsin's Paul Boyer try to explain.

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Jonathan Dresner - 7/13/2006

From the Times piece: β€œIn the deadline set before us, some authors elected to submit their copy for the coverage of those events; in other cases, a professional wrote those passages for the authors,” she said.

I love the distinction between "authors" -- academics, clearly amateurs -- and "professionals"....