Blogs > Cliopatria > A Few More Noted Things

Jun 24, 2006

A Few More Noted Things

Manan Ahmed will host History Carnival XXXIV on 1 July. Send nominations of exemplary history posts since 15 June to him at manan*at*uchicago*dot*edu or use the form. Jonathan Dresner is seeking hosts for the Asian History Carnival and the Carnival of Bad History. If you are interested in hosting either of them, contact him at dresner*at*hawaii*dot*edu .

There will be no public auction of the Martin Luther King Papers by Sotheby's on 30 June. Late yesterday, a coalition of interests in Atlanta confirmed a purchase of the papers for $32,000,000. Mayor Shirley Franklin forged the coalition of contributors and local institutions. Title to the collection will be held by King's alma mater, Morehouse College, and it will remain in the city.

Jonathan Wilson and Nathanael Robinson are discussing Latin as the language of empire; and Tim Burke and Rob MacDougall are discussing comic book heroes.

You can access Roy Rosenzweig's important article,"Can History Be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past," Journal of American History, June, directly at that link. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Foreign Affairs, July/August, features"What to do about Iraq? A Roundtable" with contributions by Larry Diamond, James Dobbins, Chaim Kaufmann, Leslie H. Gelb, and Stephen Biddle. Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for the tip.

Finally, Barista's David Tiley has been having a bad time of it and Nathanael Robinson suggests we wish him well."Coming Back Slowly" is an amazing account of it. David sick is a better writer than I am well. And, farewell to Hubert Rudolf Georg Schwyzer, the father of our colleague, Hugo. Cliopatria sends our best wishes to the family.

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More Comments:

Nathanael D. Robinson - 6/24/2006

Funniest thing I've read today!

Ralph E. Luker - 6/24/2006

Thanks. I knew that, too, but I thought you must know what you're talking about!

Nathanael D. Robinson - 6/24/2006

Unfortunately, I wrote David Sucher when I should have written David Tiley. I need a fact checker. Sorry.

Ralph E. Luker - 6/24/2006

Right. Just about all that matters is in the details that aren't made known, even in the fullest of newspaper stories about the transaction.

Sherman Jay Dorn - 6/24/2006

I'm glad metropolitan pride got the movers and shakers to put up the money. Now, will they be there to preserve the materials appropriately as well? They and the Park Service don't have the best track record in this regard.