Blogs > Liberty and Power > Did George Schuyler write this?

Jun 18, 2006

Did George Schuyler write this?

For technical reasons, L and P blogger Jonathan Bean is unable to put this up on the blog right now, so he asked me to do it. Jon wants to know if anyone knows if George Schuyler wrote this editorial response for the Pittsburgh Courier to the Brown decision:

Courier (Pittsburgh) “Will Stun Communists,” May 18, 1954

The conscience of America has spoken through its constitutional voice. This clarion announcement will also stun.

and silence America’s Communist traducers behind the Iron Curtain. It will effectively impress upon millions of colored people in Asia and Africa the fact that idealism and social morality can and do prevail in the United States, regardless of race, creed or color.

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More Comments:

David T. Beito - 6/20/2006

Jon Bean thinks that it fits the style. Schuyler was certainly for the Brown it would make sense.

Ralph E. Luker - 6/19/2006

It's entirely possible that Schuyler wrote this, since he was on the Courier's editorial staff at the time, but it's very difficult to know who actually composed an unsigned editorial. There may or may not be clues to its authorship in the Schuyler Pps that are at Syracuse University.