Blogs > Liberty and Power > Karen's American Forum radio at noon today!

Jun 9, 2006

Karen's American Forum radio at noon today!

I forgot to let you all know -- but in a few hours (at noon, Friday, June 9th) I have a show where I'll talk with Dr. Kee Dewdney, about 9-11. Check out to get ready, and we'll be taking
callers too. Listen at

Tomorrow night, 9-11 pm EST, I have Dr. Andy Schmookler, an interesting non-libertarian progressive who hosts the blog. Both guests will have a lot to say, and both shows will be educational. informative, and perhaps provocative too. Join us! And the call in number is 1-800-313-9443!

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Craig J. Bolton - 6/9/2006

I took a look at the link you posted, and I am a bit concerned. The general tenor of the site appears to be summed up in the following:

"If the attacks of 911 were staged [which seems to be the thesis of the entire site], the subsequent attacks attributed to Al Qaeda fall under a large shadow of doubt. As it happens, the same pattern of anomalous evidence has emerged from virtually every major attack since 911: Bali, Madrid, London, and so on. It is not possible under ordinary circumstances to analyse an arbitrary incident where lives are lost and automatically discover anomalies. Where there is smoke there is generally fire."

Now this seems to me to be a bit silly. If you, or the site manager, argued that "Al Qaeda" really wasn't that much of an organization to begin with, and that several of these "attacks" appear to be more or less independently organized and executed, then that thesis might have some merit. However, to claim that these incidents are part of some global conspiracy by national security agencies.........

One thing I was taught in law school was never advance an argument that doesn't pass the "giggle test" [e.g., which you can't advocate without giggling or which engenders giggles in your audience]. Sorry, this one doesn't seem to pass.