Blogs > Liberty and Power > Open Letter on Immigration (Many Scholars Have Signed)

Jun 6, 2006

Open Letter on Immigration (Many Scholars Have Signed)

The Independent Institute (one of my favorite organizations) is circulating an"Open Letter on Immigration." The signers include such prominent scholars as Brad DeLong, Gregory Mankiw, Vernon Smith, Edward Glaeser, Alan Blinder, Robert Higgs, Franklin Fisher, and Alfred Kahn.

Go here if you want to add your name.

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More Comments:

David T. Beito - 6/7/2006

Just click on the reply form link at the top.

Robert Higgs - 6/7/2006

Although I had no part in drafting this letter, I am willing to maintain that one must understand its import, if any, in the context of the present immigration debate and the ongoing political actions with regard to immigration legislation. Viewed in context, the letter would seem to oppose many of the more vicious proposals now being considered.

One might also bear in mind that such letters are intended to be displayed somehow before the general public, to sway ordinary people in a certain direction. If a letter simply announced the anarcho-capitalist position on this or any other topic, it would not have any practical effect on the readers.

On the other hand, on the probably sound principle that 1,000 economists can't be right, one might wish to dismiss the letter on that ground alone.

I will say, in case anybody cares, that despite permitting my name to appear on the letter, it does not represent my own views accurately. I am not for (or against) open (or closed) borders; I am against borders and the organized criminal gangs who draw them in the dirt and then threaten with violence anyone who crosses the line. Of course, my ideal world is not about the erupt.

Stephan Kinsella - 6/7/2006

Yeah, it brings to mind the way Arsenio Hall would, when a guest said something PC like "it's important to improve education," turn to look dull-eyed, heavy-lidded, to the audience, clapping, "Let's give it up for ED-YOU-KAY-SHUN!!"

Aeon J. Skoble - 6/7/2006

Actually, although I am what Stephan describes as a "pro-immigration/pro-open borders libertarian," I confess I had the same reaction he did -- to note that the letter doesn't actually advocate any specific policy. I kept waiting for something like "the undersigned call on the govt to ___ (or to stop____)" but it never came.

Stephan Kinsella - 6/6/2006

I read the letter and I must say I am not sure what the point is. The letter appears not to specifically call for open borders or even increasing immigration quotas; it does not seem to oppose cracking down on immigration; I cannot tell what it is for, other than not "penalizing even poorer immigrants," whatever that means. The only substantive point I can read is that "we should promote policies, such as improving our education system, that enable Americans to be more productive with high-wage skills", which to me sounds like standard mainstream central planning and state-spending on and control of public education. Why would even a pro-immigration/pro-open borders libertarian sign this?

Jeff Riggenbach - 6/6/2006

I followed the link and found the text of the open letter but no indication of how one would go about adding one's signature to it. Am I blind?