Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Additionally Noted

Jun 2, 2006

Things Additionally Noted

Felipe Fernandez-Armesto,"The Spanish Civil War," TimesOnline, 31 May, reviews Anthony Beevor's The Battle For Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936–1939.

Simon Kuper,"The Dutiful Game," Financial Times, 26 May, traces the rise and decline of German football in the 20th century. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Christopher deBellaigue,"Where Edward Said was Wrong," TimesOnline, 17 May, reviews Robert Irwin, For Lust of Knowing: The Orientalists and Their Enemies.

Amy Stevens at Aqueduct presents History Carnival XXXII, Part 1. Part 2 to follow on Monday!

David Broder,"The Seer and the Scandals," Washington Post, 1 June, reviews what 16 diverse pundits in September 2004 foresaw as happening if George Bush were re-elected. Congratulations to Political Animal's Kevin Drum, who was on the money; and thanks to Jonathan Dresner for the tip.

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