Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

May 16, 2006

Things Noted Here and There

At Siris, Brandon Watson will host an ancient/medieval edition of Carnivalesque Button on Sunday 21 May. Send nominations of exemplary ancient and medieval history posts that have appeared since 13 March to: carnivalesque*at*hotmail*dot*co*dot*uk or branemrys*at*yahoo *dot*com.

Most experts are skeptical about claims of a newly discovered ancient pyramid at Visoko, Bosnia. See: Mark Rose,"The Bosnia-Atlantis Connection," Archaeology, 27 April; and Craig S. Smith,"Some See a ‘Pyramid' to Hone Bosnia's Image. Others See a Big Hill," New York Times, 15 May.

Those"founding fathers," Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams, and Madison, have apparently taken up blogging on current affairs at Founder Blog. Thanks to Nathanael Robinson and Marc Comtois for the tip.

At Civil War Memory, Kevin Levin tells us"Mark Grimsley Goes to Charlotte." Mark talks with students there about counter-factual history and ends on the b-word.

And, finally, The Naked Graduate Student survives his general oral exams.