Blogs > Liberty and Power > Bellevue Puts on the Straight Jacket

Apr 27, 2006

Bellevue Puts on the Straight Jacket

"Take an Inch, and They'll Take a Mile." That's the title of a blog by King Banaian and it says it all. Banaian, of course, is summing up the response of administrators at Bellevue Community College in Washington to an incident in which a professor asked an idiotic math question involving Condoleezza Rice and watermelons. For more, see here.

Launching a major email campaign, outraged conservatives, including Michelle Malkin and Wayne Perryman, were able to take their"inch" by getting the professor sanctioned and exposed. The original controversy had a depressing aftermath, however, for those who value academic freedom and oppose indoctrination.

Creative administrators at the college seized on the incident to increase their power and to impose politically correct one-sided ideological diversity training for all faculty under Glenn Singleton, a paid professional"trainer." As Banaian notes, both Malkin and Perryman continue to ignore the ongoing and disturbing developments at Bellevue Community College.

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David T. Beito - 5/10/2006

Academic conservatives are more likly (at least to some extent) to appreciate the dangers posed by administrators on campus. Unfortunately, non-academics, such as Horowitz and Malkin, don't seem to particuarly care when it is pointed out to them.

Robert L. Campbell - 5/9/2006

I don't that most mass media types--conservative commentators included--realize that university administrators are a distinct interest group with a highly expansionist agenda.

Political correctness boosts the power of administrators, and is widely sponsored by administrators (particularly in the Student Affairs area, which has seen extremely rapid administrative growth over the past generation).

Robert Campbell

David T. Beito - 4/27/2006

Thanks, corrected.

Jeff Riggenbach - 4/27/2006

Bellevue Community College is in Bellevue. Bellevue is not part of Seattle. It is across Lake Washington from Seattle. It is the fourth largest city in Washington state.


King Banaian - 4/27/2006

as the saying goes, you just might get it. There is a substantial history of administrators using any incident to compel people into diversity camps. See for example Thanks for the link, David.