Blogs > Liberty and Power > Good Quote

Apr 16, 2006

Good Quote

Browsing Chomsky on Anarchism at Barnes & Noble today, I came across this quotation from Daniel Bell:
It has been war rather than peace that has been largely responsible for the acceptance of planning and technocratic modes in government.
Conservatives who sincerely dislike big government might think about that one.

Cross-posted at Free Association.

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More Comments:

Sheldon Richman - 4/17/2006

Touche. :)

Craig J. Bolton - 4/17/2006

Well, since the class you're referring to has been empty for at least the last decade.....

Sheldon Richman - 4/17/2006

True enough. But I like Bell's focus on "acceptance." It is also consistent with John T. Flynn's point that the way to win conservative support for big government spending is to spend on the military.

Ralph E. Luker - 4/16/2006

Randolph Bourne said it first: "War is the health of the state."