Blogs > Cliopatria > More Good Bets

Apr 16, 2006

More Good Bets

History Carnival #29 is up at (a)musings of a grad student; and Carnivale #14 is up at Earmarks of Early Modern Culture. Thanks, Rebecca and Kristine! Cliopatria will hold a symposium on Thomas Bender's"No Borders: Beyond the Nation-State" tomorrow. Cliopatricians should send their responses to the article to manan*at*uchicago*dot*edu. Other history bloggers who want to participate in the event should post their responses to the article on their blog and send Manan a link to your post.

Richard Wightman Fox,"Jesus Nation," Slate, 13 April. USC's Fox, the author of Jesus in America: Personal Savior, Cultural Hero, National Obsession, reviews James Tabor, The Jesus Dynasty: The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity, and Garry Wills, What Jesus Meant.

Terry Eagleton, Fred Inglis and Michael Saler review Stefan Collini, Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain. Thanks to Sharon Howard at Early Modern Notes for the tip.

Stephen Bryant,"Pass the Politics, Please: Science Blogs Peppered with Commentary," Online Journalism Review, 13 April, takes a look at what happened when 13 (now 19) bloggers launched forth at

At Deltoid, Tim Lambert posits a connection among John Lott's departure from the American Enterprise Institute, his filing of a defamation suit against Stephen Levitt, and the anniversary of Levitt's Freakonomics.