Blogs > Liberty and Power > Gotta Love 'Em

Apr 14, 2006

Gotta Love 'Em

I love those conservatives and Republicans who say that the key to ending the illegal immigration"problem" is to crack down on the employers who hire the"aliens." Whatever happened to free enterprise? It's okay as long as businesses hire the right people.

But the illegals broke the law, they say. There's no duty to obey an unjust law. I thought that was established long ago.

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More Comments:

Anthony Gregory - 4/18/2006

No kidding!

Keith Halderman - 4/18/2006

I hear estimates that there are 10 million or more illegal immigrants now in America. If that many people are breaking a law maybe the problem is not with them, maybe the problem is with the law.

Anthony Gregory - 4/14/2006

Since when have conservatives considered it "established" that unjust laws were not morally binding? They seem to me consistent in their position: they oppose big government, unless it's shooting, jailing, deporting, spying on, beating, torturing or bombing someone. And if you oppose the state when it does these things, or refuse to follow its orders, you are against the state and thus against society.

Of course, it's true that real free enterprise is totally incompatible with punishing people for the non-crime of hiring others designated as "illegal" by the state.