Blogs > Liberty and Power > Bush and Blair's Policy on Iran Is "Completely Nuts"

Apr 12, 2006

Bush and Blair's Policy on Iran Is "Completely Nuts"

Wednesday's Guardian carries Simon Jenkins's splendid essay on U.S. and UK policy on Iran.

The title says it all:"If ever there was a nation not to drive to extremes, it is Iran."

"The US and Britain are goading Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, while Blair's jihadist rhetoric is inciting a fourth crusade."

He concludes,"One country in the region that has retained some political pluralism is Iran. It has shown bursts of democratic activity and, importantly, has experienced internal regime change. If ever there was a nation not to drive to the extreme it is Iran. If ever there was a powerful state to reassure and befriend rather than abuse and threaten, it is Iran. If ever there was a regime not to goad into seeking nuclear weapons it is Iran. Yet that is precisely what British and American policy is doing. It is completely nuts."

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