Blogs > Cliopatria > Nutshell

Apr 11, 2006


Q Thank you, Mr. President. It's an honor to have you here. I'm a first-year student in South Asia studies. My question is in regards to private military contractors. Uniform Code of Military Justice does not apply to these contractors in Iraq. I asked your Secretary of Defense a couple months ago what law governs their actions.

THE PRESIDENT: I was going to ask him. Go ahead. (Laughter.) Help. (Laughter.)

Q I was hoping your answer might be a little more specific. (Laughter.) Mr. Rumsfeld answered that Iraq has its own domestic laws which he assumed applied to those private military contractors. However, Iraq is clearly not currently capable of enforcing its laws, much less against -- over our American military contractors. I would submit to you that in this case, this is one case that privatization is not a solution. And, Mr. President, how do you propose to bring private military contractors under a system of law?

THE PRESIDENT: I appreciate that very much. I wasn't kidding -- (laughter.) I was going to -- I pick up the phone and say, Mr. Secretary, I've got an interesting question. (Laughter.) This is what delegation -- I don't mean to be dodging the question, although it's kind of convenient in this case, but never -- (laughter.) I really will -- I'm going to call the Secretary and say you brought up a very valid question, and what are we doing about it? That's how I work. I'm -- thanks. (Laughter.)

- President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror

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chris l pettit - 4/12/2006

Some of us do know the answers.

My LLM dissertation was on the applicability of international law to Private Military Firms and I presented it as a "new voice" of international law to a meeting of American Society of International Law members.

It by no means states any definitive answers...but the law is in place. What is lacking, as usual, is the political will and the removal of the obstruction that is self interested power politics.

If you want a copy, please contact me at or leave an email address here. it will be published shortly (after a long editing and updating process) and I will let you know which journal as soon as myself and my co-editor decide.


Jonathan Dresner - 4/11/2006

I sound like that sometimes, when students ask me nearly unanswerable questions that deserve good answers. Of course, I don't have anyone to delegate the questions to, nor am I leader of the free world.... yet.

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 4/11/2006 all surprised? Good grief, no one knows the answer to the question. Rumsfeld, Bush, no one. And it's a good question, too.