Blogs > Liberty and Power > Let No Peaceful, Voluntary Act Go Unpunished

Apr 10, 2006

Let No Peaceful, Voluntary Act Go Unpunished

Our fearless leaders in congress just cannot leave people alone. Not even card players: see here.

By the way, can someone enlighten me on exactly what is the moral--or even the religious--objection to gambling? It can't be just that one might take it too far, since that applies to just about everything in life. So what is it, then?

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Max Schwing - 4/11/2006

Well, yes, because they believe that government takes out the vile "capitalism" in gambling. Therefore, church bingo is an act of controlled gambling, thus not capitalist and greedy but rather altruistic and not about money.

It reads a bit not fleshed out, but that is the gist I have come to think they mean, when talking about gambling.

Anthony Gregory - 4/10/2006

The mainstream left and right don't seem to mind the lottery, though, since it is a state monopoly. Games of chance are moral when a cut goes to the public "education" system.

Aeon J. Skoble - 4/10/2006

My guess is that this is one of those things that's unclear. There's no shortage of "church bingo night" etc., so there's certainly no uniform religious antipathy towards gambling, although some denominations definitely disapprove. Can't say why, though - any speculation I could make would be just that.

James Otteson - 4/10/2006

Okay, but we let people drink too much, why not let them gamble too much as well? Also, is there a Bible passage condemning gambling? Where is it?

Max Schwing - 4/10/2006

Hmm, the left sees unconditional gambling as a problem, because it is an illness, when done excessively (like drinking alcohol too much) and therefore the poor people who can't resist to gamble must be protected from their self-hurting process... or so.

The right doesn't like it, because of either the above and it's supposed connection to criminality (street gambler "thieving" the money of unsuspecting bypassers with their games) or out of religious reasons. Wasn't there a passage in the bible about gambling. I don't remember it, but something about it being sinful.