Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Evil Legacy of the Easter Rising

Apr 9, 2006

The Evil Legacy of the Easter Rising

Or why, unlike some who identify as libertarian, I have never cared for Irish nationalism. Read Geoffrey Wheatcroft's essay here in today's Observer (London).

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Otto M. Kerner - 4/10/2006

I don't really see where this article explains what's wrong with Irish nationalism. I generally like to support national independence movements unless there is some good reason not to. I always had the impression that the Irish revolution was a relatively heroic David-and-Goliath story. I say relatively, because, as with any statist war, I'm sure there was also a lot of bad happened, too, and I wouldn't want to have to be the one to judge whether it was really "good" or "evil" on net.

Anyway, perhaps I have the wrong idea about this. I would welcome elaboration.