Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Future of American Airport "Security"?

Apr 7, 2006

The Future of American Airport "Security"?

Lie-detector tests, or, rather,"truth verifier machines." My favorite line from the story:"At first, only passengers deemed suspicious by the FSB, the security service that succeeded the KGB, will take the test. But..."--come on now, you know what's coming, don't you?--" will eventually encompass all passengers."

How long can it be before the wise and virtuous people at Homeland Security and TSA discover how much fun they can have with this?

[Cross-posted at Proportional Belief.]

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chris l pettit - 4/7/2006

if its good enough for Maury Povich, Jerry Springer, et al and the ignorant and insolent of this country to determine whether their partners are cheatin' I suppose it is good enough for everyone...


chris l pettit - 4/7/2006

That lie detectors are inadmissible in court, easily "beaten" or confused, and have little or no legal relevance whatsoever?