Blogs > Liberty and Power > More Campaign-Finance Reform

Apr 7, 2006

More Campaign-Finance Reform

I see that the Republicans in the House stuck it to the Democrats by passing a new campaign-finance reform bill to limit contributions to nonprofit organizations (so-called 527s) such as America Coming Together, which worked so hard for Kerry in 2004. I guess this is the Get-Soros legislation. It's good to see the GOP standing up for free speech and limited government. How can limits on people's political spending possibly be justified?

Cross-posted at Free Association.

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Anthony Gregory - 4/7/2006

In some cases, I could see how donating money to political causes is more an instance of conspiring to commit grand larceny than it is a clear-cut case of political speech. That said, government control and censorship of campaigns is never the answer. The idea that corrupt legislators will legislate away their own corruption is the apex of absurdity.