Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Israel Lobby and U.S. Policy in the Middle East

Apr 6, 2006

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Policy in the Middle East

Anyone interested in the Middle East -- or just peace, for that matter -- should read John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's excellent article in the London Review of Books, "The Israel Lobby." (The full unedited article with footnotes is here.) While it contains little that is not already on the record somewhere and nothing that would even raise an eyebrow in Israel, it has the merit of laying out the tremendous influence American partisans of Israel have over policymakers in Washington. I have been studying the Middle East, and in particular the Israel-Palestine dispute, for a long time, and I can highly recommend this article.

Predictably, the authors, a political science professor at the University of Chicago and an international affairs professor at the Kennedy School, Harvard, have been accused openly or subtly of anti-Semitism. Even Christopher Hitchens, who himself has been the victim of this calumny for his previous writings on Israel-Palestine, has joined the attempt to smear these men. It is truly shameful. But it demonstrates what the authors have tried to show: that the relationship between the U.S. government and the Israeli government is unique in a very bad sense. If you oppose the alliance with South Korea, no one will accuse you of hating Koreans. If you oppose the alliance with Israel, it will be suggested that you side with David Duke, if not Adolf Hitler. (If the critic happens to be Jewish, he will be psychoanalyzed.)

Anyone who engages in this illegitimate and disgusting tactic should be ignored. Having drawn a line between himself and civil discourse, he deserves no reply.

Read the article, for your own sake.

Cross-posted at Free Association.

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More Comments:

Sheldon Richman - 4/11/2006

I'm afraid I can't help you because I don't subscribe to theories about secret conspiracies. You must have me mistaken for someone else.

Jason Pappas - 4/10/2006

OK, Sheldon, this venue is getting too staid and quite frankly boring. Let’s me ask a question.

You've mentioned the Israeli Lobby. I’ve been hearing about the Islamic Lobby. According to this theory, we, i.e. our government and the governments of Western Europe, have been the main financial supporters of the Palestinian terror movement in the West Bank through direct aid or aid funneled through the U.N. during the past sixty years. The Palestinian Arabs, currently in the West Bank, would have joined the vast majority of the Palestinian Diaspora decades ago if it weren’t for this aid just as the majority of the Jews that were ethnically cleansed from Arab and Islamic lands (from Morocco to Iran) have settled as refuges in the state of Israel.

Europe (often called Eurabia in this theory) has capitulated to the Islamic lobby in order to get oil. And the Bush clan, according to this theory, is in bed with the Oil Shieks as Dubya walks hand-in-hand with the head of the Saudi clan. Indeed, we went to war in 1991 to save the Sheikdom and that has kept us there ever since!

Now help me out Sheldon, I can’t keep these conspiracy theories straight. I haven’t been able to keep track of these conspiracy theories since the days when the Trilateral Commission had Alan Greenspan in bed with the Queen of the Netherlands. Presumably that was before Andrea. I tend to think it is bad ideas that results in bad government (which in your case is any government but let’s not split hairs.) Perhaps I’m just a naïve old man with quaint ideas and even more superfluous than Nock. The machinations of conspirators seem to be the vogue again. What gives?

Sheldon Richman - 4/7/2006

An interesting comment on this subject was published by the Independent Institute here: