Blogs > Liberty and Power > Bernard Siegan Dies Aged 81

Apr 2, 2006

Bernard Siegan Dies Aged 81

Readers may remember Professor Bernard H. Siegan for his justly celebrated study of the effects of non-zoning in Houston, Texas, Land Use without Zoning (Lexington Books, 1972), and his forthright advocacy of constitutional protection for property rights, Economic Liberties and the Constitution (University of Chicago Press, 1980; 2nd revised edition, Transaction Publishers, 2006). Go here for John Cobin’s paper which seeks to provide a theoretical framework for the case against zoning.

Siegan was born in Chicago on July 28, 1924, and died last Monday, March 27, in Encinitas, California, aged 81. The Institute for Justice has posted an appreciation here and two of his colleagues at the University of San Diego law school have written a tribute here.

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More Comments:

Kenneth R. Gregg - 4/2/2006

I echo what Sheldon has said.
Just a thought.
Just Ken

Sheldon Richman - 4/2/2006

How sad. Not only was he an important and influential libertarian legal scholar, he was a fine gentleman.