Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Mar 28, 2006

More Noted Things

Jürgen Kremb,"Beijing's Unwanted Best Seller," Der Spiegel, 21 March, reviews and tells the remarkable background to"Jiang Rong"'s bestselling novel, Wolf Totem. Thanks to Arts & Letters Daily for the tip.

For your Scott McLemee fix: McLemee,"Town Without Pity," Newsday, 19 March, reviews Cynthia Carr's Our Town: A Heartland Lynching, a Haunted Town, and the Hidden Mystery of White America; and McLemee,"Axis of Ills," Boston Globe, 26 March, reviews Kevin Phillips, American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century.

Crooked Timber is holding a seminar on Chris Mooney's book, The Republican War on Science.

James Kirchick, a senior history major at Yale, publishes tough criticism of the University's decision to admit Rahmattulah Hashemi as a special student:"Afghan Politician Contrasts with Student," Yale Daily News, 27 March. The left has largely ignored the issue; and right-leaning critics of the decision have focused their fire on the University. Why does no one demand that the State Department and INS tell us why Rahmattulah is at Yale, while his compatriots are at Guantanamo? Thanks to David Adesnik at Oxblog for the tip.

In"Overstating Jewish Power," Slate, 26 March, Christopher Hitchens weighs in on the controversy over Mearsheimer and Walt,"The Israeli Lobby."

Congratulations to our colleague, Hugo Schwyzer, whose blog, er, Hugo Schwyzer, has been named one of the Top 10 Blogs on Feminism and Women's Rights by But we already knew that.

Finally, presents"Are We Safer in the Dark?"

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