Blogs > Liberty and Power > Enemy Needed

Mar 22, 2006

Enemy Needed

The website a project of The Nation Institute has posted a very interesting interview with former naval officer and historian of American militarism Chalmers Johnson.

Now, I do not necessairly agree with everything put forth in the dialogue, I do, however, strongly support the following statement; "The Soviet Union imploded. I thought: What an incredible vindication for the United States. Now it's over, and the time has come for a real victory dividend, a genuine peace dividend. The question was: Would the U.S. behave as it had in the past when big wars came to an end? We disarmed so rapidly after World War II. Granted, in 1947 we started to rearm very rapidly, but by then our military was farcical. In 1989, what startled me almost more than the Wall coming down was this: As the entire justification for the Military-Industrial Complex, for the Pentagon apparatus, for the fleets around the world, for all our bases came to an end, the United States instantly -- pure knee-jerk reaction -- began to seek an alternative enemy. Our leaders simply could not contemplate dismantling the apparatus of the Cold War."

Hat Tip Kenny Rodgers

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