Blogs > Liberty and Power > Blogger Gathering

Mar 21, 2006

Blogger Gathering

Longtime blogfriend and mentor Paul Musgrave will be in the DC area this weekend, and I'm hosting a get-together in his honor.

All area friends and neighbors are invited to stop by -- appropriately enough -- the Hawk n Dove Restaurant on Capitol Hill. Given the crowd I'm likely to draw, the name is all too appropriate.

It's at 329 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, and we'll be there this Sunday, March 26, from 6PM until whenever.

The Snarky Bastards are invited -- even Apollo, if he's still speaking to me after that 9th Amendment tiff. Likewise to the Cliopatriarchs, the Liberty and Power contributors, the recently defended Dr. Caleb McDaniel, as well as anyone else who reads, comments, or links here.

Yes, that means you, so don't be shy. Hope to see you there.

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More Comments:

Jason T. Kuznicki - 3/21/2006


stephanie devine - 1/9/2004

i would like to fin