Blogs > Liberty and Power > New Threat to National Security?

Mar 20, 2006

New Threat to National Security?

At least according to the TSA: Returning from a Liberty Fund conference on Shaftesbury, I was forbidden to fly with one of my humble scholarly tools. (L&P co-blogger"Protagoras" was there also, and he owns one of these - I wonder whether he got away with it?) Thanks to some entrpreneur, I was able to mail it to myself (for a six dollar fee) from the security checkpoint rather than have it confiscated, but I still found the whole experience annoying and insulting. They didn't fuss over my folding umbrella, with which I could do far more damage were I so inclined. (And of course, Protagoras is himself a lethal weapon! But he probably didn't mention that.) Other than that, the conference was fascinating, and afforded me a close look at a figure I'd never studied before.

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More Comments:

Gary McGath - 3/21/2006

Laptop computers weigh more than 10 times as much, and could bash people very effectively. I wonder why they're still allowed on board.

Aeon J. Skoble - 3/21/2006

Shaftesbury -- I said that, didn't I? Early 18th-century.

Mark Brady - 3/21/2006

And what was the subject of the Liberty Fund colloquium.