Blogs > Liberty and Power > That Meme Thang

Mar 13, 2006

That Meme Thang

Below is my meme of four:

Four jobs I have had: Busboy, Assistant Manager at Movie Theater, Sears (Men’s Workwear/Paints), College Professor

Four movies I can watch over and over: Galaxy Quest, Double Indemnity, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the Producers (original version)

Four places I have lived: Minneapolis, Fairfax, Las Vegas, Tuscaloosa

Four TV shows I love: Seinfeld, Colombo, Star Trek (original), The Fugitive

Four highly regarded and recommended TV shows I haven't seen: The Shield, Sopranos, Law and Order, 24

Four of my favorite dishes: Seafood Gumbo, Barbecue Ribs, Pasta Primavera, Grilled Salmon

Four sites I visit daily: Liberty and Power Group Blog,, Juan Cole, Hit and Run

Four Places I've Vacationed: Norway, Orlando, San Francisco, Big Sky, Montana

Four albums I can't live without: Bunny Berigan, Beethoven’s Ninth, Bob Marley, Tina Turner

Four new bloggers I'm tagging: Peter Gordon, Ralph E. Luker, Alina Stefanescu, Charles Nuckolls

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More Comments:

David T. Beito - 3/13/2006

Life of Brian is one of my favorites but there is something rather downbeat about it that turns me off as I get older.

Steven Horwitz - 3/13/2006

I had that on my four movies and changed to Life of Brian at the last minute, but GQ might be the funniest movie of the last 10 years. It's one giant hysterical love letter to Star Trek fans.