Blogs > Liberty and Power > My Meme

Mar 11, 2006

My Meme

A Comcast technician's mistake while working on someone else's cable connection took the internet away from me for awhile. So I did not know I had been tagged by Mark Brady until just now. Below is my meme of four:

Four jobs I have had:

Electronic warfare technician, Pet food salesman, Census taker, Quality control technician

Four movies I can watch over and over:

The Big Liebowski, His Girl Friday, Reefer Madness (the Showtime musical), To Kill a Mocking Bird

Four places I have lived:

Syracuse, New York, Bath, Maine, Tampa, Florida, Norfolk, Virginia

Four TV shows I love:

Cheers, Simpsons, St. Elsewhere, Daily Show

Four highly regarded and recommended TV shows I haven't seen:

24, Law and Order, Grey's Anatomy, CSI

Four of my favorite dishes:

Calamari, Coconut Shrimp, New England Clam Chowder, Grilled Lamb

Four sites I visit daily:

Liberty and Power Group Blog, Trebach Report,, American University Blackboard site

Four Places I've Vacationed:

Smokey Mountains, Orlando, Florida, Gettysburg, Black Hills

Four albums I can't live without:

Louis Armstrong, Hot Fives and Hot Sevens 4 CD box set

Four new bloggers I'm tagging:

David Beito, Radley Balko, Robert Higgs, Wendy McElroy

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