Blogs > Cliopatria > Still More Noted Things

Mar 9, 2006

Still More Noted Things

The Carnival of Feminists #10 is up at Indian Writing.

Who said that Latin is dead? Ephemeris delivers today's news in yesterday's language. Thanks to Jonathan Dresner for the tip.

Waldemar Januschzczcak,"The Michelangelo Code," London Times, 5 March, is an appreciation of the artist's skilled hand in anticipation of a major show of his drawings at the British Museum.

At American Prospect, Michael Tomasky has a Jeopardy-style quiz of 25 questions testing American cultural literacy. He thinks any candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination ought to be able to answer at least 15 of them correctly. How many of them should an American historian answer correctly? There's commentary on Tomasky's"sniffy" test at Political Animal and American Prospect. Thanks to Kevin Murphy at Ghost in the Machine for the tip.

Stephen E. Williams was teaching history at Harrisburg Area Community College at Lancaster until earlier this year, when he was, first, suspended and, then, terminated. Officials at the school will not say why the tenure-track professor was fired, but everything points to his dropping the f-bomb in class. Many of his students are rallying to support Williams.

The New Orleans Public Library is making a public appeal to restock its shelves with new and used/hardback and paperback books for people of all ages. Library staff will choose which books will go into its collections. Other books will be sold for library fund raising or given to worthy recipients. Please send your donated books to:

Rica A. Trigs, Public Relations
New Orleans Public Library
219 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112

The post office will send your package at library rate, which is lower than book rate, if you call attention to the address.

Finally, congratulations to Marc Comtois at Spinning Clio for completing all requirements for his M.A. in history with honors.

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More Comments:

Alan Allport - 3/10/2006

I hope they can't hear me further down the Schyulkill. I have used the following ditty in my classes as an example of the folk culture of HM Forces during wartime:

(To the tune of 'John Brown's Body):

We had been flying all day long at a hundred fucking feet;
The weather fucking awful, fucking rain and fucking sleet;
The compass it was swinging south, east, west, and fucking north;
And we made a fucking landfall in the Firth of Fucking Forth.

Ain't the Air Force fucking awful?
Ain't the Air Force fucking awful?
Ain't the Air Force fucking awful?
And we made a fucking landfall in the Firth of Fucking Forth ...

Marc A. Comtois - 3/9/2006

Thanks for the kind words, Ralph. And also thanks for the work that you and the other Cliopatriarchs have done in helping to facilitate history blogging. IMO, it has helped to breakdown barriers--either or real or perceived--within the field and made this non-PhD historian feel comfortable engaging other historians in discussion and debate.