Blogs > Liberty and Power > My Life As A Meme

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Aeon J. Skoble - 3/10/2006

"the Meme/Tagger narcissist crowd, who never saw a mirror they couldn't fall in love with." Struck me as insulting, but perhaps it wasn't meant as such.

Mark Brady - 3/10/2006

I don't take Bill's remark as an insult. I tagged him because I'm genuinely interested to learn something about his taste in music and films. I hope Bill will share that with us, if only because he's been around longer than the rest of us and perhaps has insights into music we, or at least I, don't have.

Aeon J. Skoble - 3/9/2006

Fine, but at least 7 of your L&P co-bloggers disagree, so perhaps you should let it go. At a bare minimum, please refrain from insulting your co-bloggers. It's a group blog, not your personal turf.

William Marina - 3/9/2006

I'd probably disagree with whoever "they" is, but sounds like a super frontispiece quote for the Meme/Tagger narcissist crowd, who never saw a mirror they couldn't fall in love with.
I just think that belongs in emails, and not taking up half the links on a Blog that pretends to deal with some serious aspects of L&P.

Roderick T. Long - 3/8/2006

Like they say, "the personal is the political."

William Marina - 3/8/2006

Just trying to figure out what L&P has to do with your personal choice in albums?

Aeon J. Skoble - 3/8/2006


Aeon J. Skoble - 3/8/2006

I see that many of you have included the 4 albums mod since I posted, so I'll go back and modify mine to include it as well.