Blogs > Liberty and Power > Making Mother Nature Cry?

Mar 8, 2006

Making Mother Nature Cry?

Dear Lew Rockwell,
You make an excellent point about Katrina from Pop. Mech. in LRC today, which relates also to Hans Hoppe's piece on Insurance.
In the 3rd ed. of HistFL, I discussed much of the same with respect to hurricanes, but also the role of liability in Capitalism. I shall be expanding on this in the 4th ed., next year, because not only does the Fed. Flood Insur. encourage reckless actions, this is also abetted by the Army Corp. of Eng. program, which results in severe erosion even in much milder storms. Jeb Bush rec'd over $8Bil from Dubya to "Restore the Everglades," but much of it has been used to squeeze out more water for the big builders, which is the power base Jeb comes from (in case you haven't guessed, Dubya's was/is oil). A new study also shows the general role of Fed/state land and forestry policies in this mess. The same is true in all of the gulf states, but FL's long coast line, etc., exacerbates all of these factors.
With Environmentalism of this sort, Mother Nature must cry a great deal!
Regards, Bill Marina

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