Blogs > Liberty and Power > Jesse Walker is on a Roll (Oscar Night)

Mar 6, 2006

Jesse Walker is on a Roll (Oscar Night)

I almost wish that I had forced myself to watch after reading this blow-by-blow from Jesse Walker:

Jon Stewart, for repeatedly poking a pin in the pretensions of the Hollywood crowd. As the night wore on, the audience seemed to warm to him -- and he, in return, seemed to exude more and more contempt. His two best moments came after two of Chuck Workman's haphazard collections of movie clips. After a ridiculously self-congratulatory batch of excerpts meant to illustrate Hollywood's history of taking brave stands for social justice -- I kept waiting to see the Klan riding to the rescue in Birth of a Nation, but for some reason they left that one out -- Stewart said sarcastically,"And none of those issues were ever a problem again." And after a montage of clips purportedly taken from"epics" (since when are E.T. and West Side Story epics?), he gave us a look of supreme boredom and said,"What's next: Oscar's tribute to montages?"

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