Blogs > Cliopatria > Yet More Noted Things

Mar 6, 2006

Yet More Noted Things

Voting has begun in the Lefty blogosphere's Koufax Awards for 2005. Cliopatria's Tim Burke is a nominee for Best Writing; Mark Grimsley's Blog Them Out of the Stone Age is nominated for Best New Blog and Most Deserving of Wider Recognition; and Hugo Schwyzer is a nominee for Best Single Issue Blog. We have many friends who are nominated in those and other categories. Go over and give them some support!

The 3rd Asian History Carnival is up at Frog in a Well, China. Go, feast on its riches and thank Jonathan Dresner for doing such a good job!

At Little Professor, Miriam Burstein explains the mystery of Jeremy Bentham's head. According to his wishes, Bentham's mummified body is on public display at University College, London, but the head on it is wax. It looks much better than the real thing, which is kept in a vault.

When a historian of the United States -- even a well-read and intelligent one -- publishes a history of the Cold War, he risks telling a provincial story. If a historian of a more cosmopolitan background and interests reviews the book, that is likely to be pointed out. Tony Judt,"A Story Still To Be Told," NYRB, 23 March, is a severely critical review of John Lewis Gaddis, The Cold War: A New History. Thanks to Yale's Haydon Cherry for the tip.

Camille Paglia,"Academic, Heal Thyself," New York Times, 6 March, is a characteristically frank op-ed about Harvard after Summers. See also: Margaret Soltan at University Diaries.

Save the Hijaz is a site that focuses attention on the Saudi regime's iconoclastic (or developmental) destruction of significant Muslim historical sites. Thanks to Brian Ulrich of Brian's Study Breaks for the tip.

Finally, congratulations to Doctor Esther MacCallum-Stewart of Break of Day in the Trenches, who was awarded her degree on Friday.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 3/6/2006

You bet, Hugo. Now, tell me what your "single issue" is! You cover a lot of issues, don't you?

Hugo Schwyzer - 3/6/2006

For the vote!