Blogs > Liberty and Power > Harry Browne Dies

Mar 2, 2006

Harry Browne Dies

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Craig J. Bolton - 3/3/2006

I was never much of an admirer of Harry Browne when he was running for office. [I believe its called the "Jefferson effect."]

However, before and after those days, he said and did a number of meritorious things. Indeed, some of his less compromising writings during those days aren't bad at all.

In any case, Harry will be greatly missed, just like R.W. Bradford is greatly missed. Some of these guys are just unique and admirable personalities who can never be replaced and whose passing leaves a permanent hole in the fabric of our personal realities.

Maybe one day libertarians will start realizing that their freedoms are built upon the achievements of those who have come before and will accord those who gave their lives to preserving and building freedom the honor they deserve. When that day comes, Harry's name will be mentioned.

Gary McGath - 3/3/2006

That link isn't working at the moment. This one worked for me:

For all the controversy he raised, I'm sorry to hear it.

Kenneth R. Gregg - 3/3/2006

You can find info on Harry's death at the blog on his website:

Harry was something of a rebel, starting out with his involvement in Andrew Galambos' Free Enterprise Institute and his books beginning with "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World" (Galambos accused him of intellectual theft for that) and his later involvement in the LP.

I remember meeting him at a banquet held by former FEI instructors and students years ago. I thought him charismatic and, all-in-all, a quite interesting person.

May he take the heavens by storm!

Just a thought.
Just Ken