Blogs > Liberty and Power > US Marines Probe Tensions among Iran's Ethnic Minorities

Feb 25, 2006

US Marines Probe Tensions among Iran's Ethnic Minorities

The Financial Times (of London) carries some of the best foreign news coverage of any English-language newspaper. Go here to read a most interesting story that throws welcome light on U.S. policy towards Iran.

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William Marina - 2/25/2006

Dear Mark,
I'll be commenting at length on this Marine research in a piece at HNN/LRC entitled, "Military Research is to Research as Military Music is to Music." It reminds me so much of the 5 vols. the Army compiled on the Philippine Insurrection (see my Index to the much larger 96 reels of microfilm in the Nat'l Archives), and never to my knowledge ever much consulted by the military, let alone that journalist, ignoramus, Max Boot, who was urging us on into Iraq based on his poor understanding of that model.