Blogs > Liberty and Power > Anatol and Dominic Lieven on the Importance of History in Understanding the World Today

Feb 20, 2006

Anatol and Dominic Lieven on the Importance of History in Understanding the World Today

It’s quite likely that readers are familiar with the accomplished journalist Anatol Lieven and have read one or more of his articles. His most recent piece may be found here.

Readers may have also encountered his brother’s work. Dominic Lieven teaches at the London School of Economics and is a distinguished historian of Russia.

This weekend I sat down and read two very interesting essays. One, Against Russophobia, is an article by Anatol Lieven published a few years ago in the World Policy Journal. The other, Empire, History and the Contemporary Global Order (pdf), is the 2005 Elie Kedourie Memorial Lecture that Dominic Lieven read at the British Academy. Each demonstrates the importance of historical knowledge in understanding the world today. I strongly commend them for readers’ education and enjoyment.

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More Comments:

William Marina - 2/20/2006

Dear Mark,
Thank you for the informative post on the work of the Lievens. I already had Anatol's book dealing with Am. Nationalism. He would appear to be a very nice addition to the NAF.