Blogs > Liberty and Power > Who Said This?

Feb 14, 2006

Who Said This?

"Everything the Lord has a hand in is going great, but the minute you notice anything that is in any way under the supervision of man, why its 'cockeyed.'

And the more men that have anything to do with trying to right a thing why the worse off it is. If every man was left absolutely to his own method of wrighting [sic] his own affairs why a big majority would get it done. But he can't do that. The Government has not only hundreds but literally thousands in Washington to see that no man can tend to his business. They go there to do it for him, and a mob always gets panicky quicker than an individual. They hear so much of how bad things are, and that something should be done, and they immediately feel that its up to them to do it."

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Will Rogers (April 21, 1932) in Donald Day, ed., The Autobiography of Will Rogers (Chicago: People's Book Club, 1949, 279.

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