Blogs > Cliopatria > Philip Zelikow/9-11 Commission

Feb 14, 2006

Philip Zelikow/9-11 Commission

Democrat Jane Harman has denounced historian Philip Zelikow, executive director of the 9-11 commission. According to the NYT: Mr. Zelikow complicated the pre-election negotiations - and angered proponents of the Senate bill, including commission members - when he sent a memorandum to Capitol Hill last month suggesting that a compromise offered by House Republicans could provide a national intelligence director with sufficient powers. House Republicans released the memorandum publicly to show that they were not an obstacle to a final bill. Representative Harman, who supports the Senate bill, said that Mr. Zelikow had proved to be a "rogue actor in this play" and that the memorandum and General Myers's letter had been "dirty bombs" that undermined the Senate's negotiating stance. She said that while leaders of the Sept. 11 commission had issued statements within days distancing themselves from Mr. Zelikow's memorandum, they had been slow to act, bolstering the position of House Republicans. "The Zelikow e-mail should have been disavowed in nanoseconds," Ms. Harman said. </SPAN>

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