Blogs > Cliopatria > NCH WASHINGTON UPDATE (Vol. 12, #7; 9 February 2006)

Feb 17, 2006

NCH WASHINGTON UPDATE (Vol. 12, #7; 9 February 2006)

3. BITS AND BYTES: Congressional Biography Published; CRS Report on FOIA Award Fees; Sunshine Week
4. ARTICLES OF INTEREST: “Historic Documents Attracting Thieves” (Las Vegas Review Journal) and In Memoirs, Varieties of Truth” (Christian Science Monitor)

THE DEVIL IN THE DETAILS – A CLOSER LOOK AT THE PRESIDENT’S FY 2007 BUDGET PROPOSAL On 6 February 2006 the White House officially submitted to Congress its $2.7-trillion budget proposal that would enable the federal government to operate throughout FY 2007. While defense and homeland security related agencies see modest increases, those increases are at the expense of domestic agencies, many of which face draconian cuts. Collectively, domestic agencies stand to take billions in reductions. A total of 141 federal programs are slotted to be sharply curtailed or eliminated entirely and a third of them are in the Department of Education.

Unlike previous years, the Bush administration has not spared history and archives related programs. For the second year in a row the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) is zeroed out from the president’s budget; there are no funds whatsoever for grants and only $510,000 is requested for staffing and administration for the remaining ongoing grants. Once they are completed the program would be terminated.

Also zeroed out is all funding for Senator Lamar Alexander’s (R.TN) Congressional and Presidential Academies which this last year the Department of Education (ED) launched with awards of just under $2 million to several organizations. If the president’s proposal is embraced by Congress, the ED’s popular “Teaching American History” (TAH) grant initiative would be cut in excess of 50 percent as the president has requested only $50 million for this program in FY 2007.

The administration advanced a curious rationale for the cut in funding for the TAH grant program. In the budget proposal the president asserts that, “the number of quality applications for assistance under this program [TAH] in recent years does not justify the current level of funding ($121 million).” Hence, the reduced request reflects “the anticipated number of high-scoring applicants” and would generate “about 52 new awards.” According to departmental and Hill insiders and education advocates who monitor ED programs, the collective view is that the president’s assertion that the number of “quality” applications has declined is of “questionable veracity.”

Another big loser is the National Park Service. According to National Parks Conservation Association, a citizen watchdog group, the president proposes a cut of $100.4 million in the NPS budget. Last year’s appropriation was
$2.25 billion and this year the budget request is scaled back to $2.15 billion. Most of the cuts come in construction and land acquisition of which there is only one project recommended for funding – for the Flight 93 National Historic Site in Pennsylvania that commemorates the terrorist attack of 9/11. To the relief of many, the Historic Preservation Fund survived a potential hit and is level-funded at $72 million.

For the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) the request is for
$140.95 million – level funding (actually a meager $6,000 increase) for the agency as a whole. But according to the National Humanities Alliance, “the president’s budget would cut funding for competitive program funds by $1.32 million to help pay for administrative salary and overhead cost
increases.” Level funding – $15.2 million – is proposed for the NEH
signature “We the People” initiative, the NEH program that focuses funds on the teaching and learning of American history and culture. “We the People”
funds cut across the breadth of the NEH’s programmatic areas. Part of the funds would support the ”Interpreting America’s Historic Places” and “Family and Youth Programs in American History” initiatives; the purpose of the former is self evident while the latter supports inter-generational learning about significant topics in US history and culture. There is also a major new matching fund initiative that seeks to transcribe, digitize, and post to the Internet the papers of the first four presidents (Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison). There are funds earmarked to help preserve and increase access to collections of papers of former members of Congress and finally, the budget includes $31.08 million for Federal/State partnership programs.

Also level funded is the Woodrow Wilson Center – $9 million – and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation – $6 million.

For the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) the request is for $338 million, an increase of $12.5 million over FY2006. Of this, $45 million will go toward development of “basic preservation and access capabilities of the Electronic Records Archives.” For the first time there is a funding request to support the operations of the Public Interest Declassification Board, a body authorized by Congress in 2001 that serves in an advisory capacity to the president and executive branch on federal record declassification. To the disappointment of many the hoped for initial funding for a new stateside archives formula grant program did not materialize. There is, however, $3.7 million set aside for the initial move of the records and for staffing, operation, and maintenance of the Nixon presidential library and an additional request of $6.9 million toward construction of an archival storage addition to the Nixon facility. In total, over $10 million is sought for the Nixon Library.

By contrast, the NHPRC – once again, zero funds for grants. The budget document states: “ The Budget proposes no new grants that NARA can focus its resources on its essential Federal records management mission.” The fact is, as reported in the official NARA press release that subtly takes issue with the president’s recommendation by publicly stating that “over the past four decades, NHPRC has awarded more than $153 million to more than 4,000 state and local government archives, colleges and universities and individuals to preserve and publish important historical records that document American history.” Last year, due to the collective efforts of the history and archives communities, Congress restored $7.5 million for the NHPRC and efforts are already underway to once again restore funding for the commission.

For the 18 museums that comprise the Smithsonian Institution (SI) – $644.4 million -- a surprise increase up from the FY 2006 appropriation of $615 million. Funds are present for renovations for several of the SI deteriorating museums, including $14.5 million for the National Museum of American History.

The one area that the president has demonstrated continued support for is the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Hill insiders attribute this to Laura Bush’s continued advocacy on behalf of the nation’s libraries. The president’s request is for a total of $262.2 million (an increase of just over $15 million or 6%) of which $39.89 million (an increase of $2.5 million) is for assistance to museums and $220 million for assistance to libraries. There is set aside $25 million for the “Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program” as well as some $17.9 million for Museums for America and $3 million for Museum Professionals for the 21st Century programs.

Now that the president has submitted his budget proposal it is up to Congress to revise and approve funding for the government’s operations. The president’s plan faces an uphill battle for adoption. It is not likely to be greeted with enthusiasm from fiscal conservatives or lawmakers squeamish about cutting programs in election years. Of particular concern is the president’s proposal for a significant cut in Medicare ? $30 million over five years, and the equally offensive proposal to raise monthly premiums once again ? a plan sure to draw fire from some of the 43 million seniors who traditionally vote in large numbers. The budget also reflects another massive deficit ? $355-billion, which does not include the cost of off-line items such as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or Katrina hurricane relief.

The long-anticipated change in the Republican leadership took place this last week. On 2 February 2006, Representative John Boehner (R-OH) pulled-off a second ballot victory (122 to 109) in the race for Majority Leader and claimed victory over his closest rival, Congressman Roy Blunt (R-MO).

Boehner had most recently served as Chair of the House Education and Workforce Committee. Blunt, who had been serving as the acting Majority Leader will retain his position as Majority Whip.

Item #1 – Congressional Biography Published: The United States Senate Historical Office and the House Office of History and Preservation have published an updated and revised 2005 edition of “The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005." The massive 2,218 page 2005 edition is the first revision of the printed edition since 1989.
The new edition includes biographical profiles of each of the nearly 12,000 individuals who have served in the Congress of the United States, from 1789 through 2 January 2005, along with those who served in the Continental Congresses between 1774 and 1789. In addition to the biographies of Representatives, Senators, Delegates, Resident Commissioners, and Vice Presidents, this volume contains rosters of the state congressional delegations, elected congressional officials, and cabinet officers from
1789 to 2005. The corresponding online biographical directory (go to
<>;) also reflects the latest scholarship and most up-to-date statistical information available and provides a valuable reference tool for all those interested in the Congress. Copies of the directory are available from the Government Printing Office <>;. Stock No. 052-071-01418-7; ISBN 0-16-073176-3; the cost is $99.

Item #2 – CRS Report on FOIA Award Fees: At one time, Freedom of Information Act requesters could recover attorneys' fees in FOIA lawsuits for their attorneys who represented them on a contingency or pro bono basis. Legislation introduced last year by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Sen.
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) seeks to restore the previous standard which permitted recovery of attorneys' fees whenever a requester's lawsuit resulted in an agency decision to release the requested record. The issue of recoverable attorney fees generally (not specifically in the FOIA context) is treated at length in a new report from the Congressional Research Service. Go to:

Item #3 -- Sunshine Week: From March 12-18, news media, civic groups, libraries, schools, non-profits and others will mark Sunshine Week, a nationwide initiative designed to spark discussions about the importance of preserving access to government information. Historians are well aware of how the increase in government secrecy and restricted documents are inhibiting the ability not only to preserve the record for future generations, but also to research more current events. Historians have a very large stake in the fight to preserve access, and they can help to keep public information accessible by the public by participating in the Sunshine Week initiative. For more information about Sunshine Week, or how to get involved, go to or contact Debra Gersh Hernandez, coordinator, Sunshine Week at or (703) 807-2100.

Two postings this week: In “Historic Documents Attracting Thieves” (Las Vegas Review Journal; 6 February 2006) tells the story of a successful effort that resulted in the recovery a letter stolen from the Utah State Archives. For the article go to: .

A second article, William Loizeaux in “In Memoirs, Varieties of Truth”
(Christian Science Monitor; 8 February 2006) discusses the importance of facts but also sees the need for a thoughtful retelling of a good story. Go to .

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