Blogs > Cliopatria > Buy Danish

Feb 4, 2006

Buy Danish

A"Buy Danish" site has now appeared. I can't recall seeing any of these items in a recent trip to the store, but in light of recent events, I'll certainly go out of my way to purchase Danish goods in the future.

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Robert KC Johnson - 2/5/2006

There also seems to be an odd element from this story--namely that the group that publicized the cartoons included three particularly odious ones that were never published by the Danish newspaper (

Greg James Robinson - 2/5/2006

I am with KC on this one. As in the case of the Palestinian issue, the existence of actual and identifiable grievances does not excuse the cynical manipulation of popular sentiment by authoritarian governments. This is no different from the Salman Rushdie affair, where a creative and provocative artist was threatened with cold-blooded murder for his ideas.
I am glad for the "Buy Danish" website, by the way, since if we wish to support Denmark we should be alert for what is in fact Danish. I cannot help recalling how some Americans added farce to tragedy at the beginning of the Iraq invasion. Following calls by imbeciles for a boycott of Canadian goods over Canada's refusal to violate international law, they targeted Canada Dry beverages and Canadian Club whiskey, neither of which are (these days) Canadian-owned.

Adam Kotsko - 2/5/2006

I'm sure there are some who will use this incident to shout down genuine Muslim grievances (which do exist, even if Muslims do bad things too).

Brian Ulrich - 2/5/2006

The thing about the Syria thing is that, given how strong Syria's police state is, does anyone really think that was something they couldn't have controlled? I suspect the anti-Western powers in the Arab world are using this to fan flames for their own reasons.

Patrick Noone - 2/5/2006

Why doesn't the "Arab Street" protest against the murder or threatened murder of journalists? Why don't they demand that school textbooks be expunged of anti-Semetic and anti-Western rhetoric? I don't mean to be insensitive to the greater Muslim community but I have to say, "Get over it!"

Ralph E. Luker - 2/4/2006

When I see "Buy Danish," I think "Pastry." I support the right of the European and American press to publish the cartoons, if they wish; but no one should have been naive about their being inflammatory; just as I support the right of college-aged right-wingers to hold their bake sales with AA-hedged prices, even though we know that they are inflammatory. When there are flames, we shouldn't be surprised. Neither should we be surprised that it alienates Muslims who we might have had as allies. The cartoons stigmatize Arabs and Muslims unnecessarily in ways we'd more clearly recognize if they stigmatized Jews or African Americans. Yes, the burning of the Danish embassy in Syria goes beyond the pale of acceptable protest, but we need to be quite clear about the legitimacy of much of the Arab and Muslim reaction to the offensive cartoons.