Our Brilliant Managers
Baseball insiders say they knew Dubya was nuts when in 1989 he traded Sammy Sosa to the Cubs. What with running Harkin Oil into the ground, and then the US, its been downhill ever since.
The Seattle Times indicates the War in Iraq is now costing $100,000 per minute, totaling half a trillion $, about what the 13 year Vietnam War cost. This is, of course, conservative when compared to the analysis done by the Nobel Laureate in Economics, George Stiglitz. And the CB's have now left New Orleans and are back in Iraq building our permanent air bases there as part of the Pentagon's 20 year plan. And, I thought only the Soviets developed such centralized, long range plans!
The Independent, UK, reports another leaked Memo about how Bush and Blair talked about a plan to provoke the War early on. and Bush opined,"it unlikely that there would be internecine warfare between the different religious and ethnic groups" afterwards. Right!
Meanwhile Rummy, Negroponte and Condi are spending millions to support Venezuelan groups apposing Chavez. Rummy complains that, like Hitler, Chavez was popularly elected. Speaking of elections, 13 of the elected Palestinians are in Israeli prisons, but then it appears that much of so-called Palestine is a rather walled-in place anyway. One might suggest that the most apt comparison with Hitler is Dubya, trying to provoke a war, as Adolf did in 1939 dressing up the Wehrmacht in Polish uniforms.
PS: Dabya says he wants to conserve oil. Has anyone told him that our tanks in that War he declared"victory" in, in May, 2003, when re-armored against bombs, get ONE mile to the gallon? Another comparison with Adolf's Tiger Panzer tank, which was also a fuel guzzler.