Blogs > Liberty and Power > Our Brilliant Managers

Feb 4, 2006

Our Brilliant Managers

A pre-Super Bowl news weekend special:

Baseball insiders say they knew Dubya was nuts when in 1989 he traded Sammy Sosa to the Cubs. What with running Harkin Oil into the ground, and then the US, its been downhill ever since.

The Seattle Times indicates the War in Iraq is now costing $100,000 per minute, totaling half a trillion $, about what the 13 year Vietnam War cost. This is, of course, conservative when compared to the analysis done by the Nobel Laureate in Economics, George Stiglitz. And the CB's have now left New Orleans and are back in Iraq building our permanent air bases there as part of the Pentagon's 20 year plan. And, I thought only the Soviets developed such centralized, long range plans!

The Independent, UK, reports another leaked Memo about how Bush and Blair talked about a plan to provoke the War early on. and Bush opined,"it unlikely that there would be internecine warfare between the different religious and ethnic groups" afterwards. Right!

Meanwhile Rummy, Negroponte and Condi are spending millions to support Venezuelan groups apposing Chavez. Rummy complains that, like Hitler, Chavez was popularly elected. Speaking of elections, 13 of the elected Palestinians are in Israeli prisons, but then it appears that much of so-called Palestine is a rather walled-in place anyway. One might suggest that the most apt comparison with Hitler is Dubya, trying to provoke a war, as Adolf did in 1939 dressing up the Wehrmacht in Polish uniforms.

PS: Dabya says he wants to conserve oil. Has anyone told him that our tanks in that War he declared"victory" in, in May, 2003, when re-armored against bombs, get ONE mile to the gallon? Another comparison with Adolf's Tiger Panzer tank, which was also a fuel guzzler.

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More Comments:

William Marina - 2/8/2006

My original comment on the movement of the carrier had to do with moving it way offshore so that he could don his flysuit and land by plane rather than helicoptor.
The closest analogy between Bush & the National Socialists in the 1930s appears to me in their willingness to keep repeating massive falsehoods in the belief this will finaly lead to belief.

Roderick T. Long - 2/7/2006

Was it also the crew's idea to make Bush say that "major combat operation are over"?

As for Hitler, the reason people so often compare political developments they regard as dangerous with Hitler or Nazism is the same as the reason Canadian cigarette packages have photos of diseased lungs on them. You should know what direction you're headed, even if you don't get all the way there. (Aside note: no, I am not attacking smoking, let alone supporting Canada's government-mandated warnings; it's just an analogy.)

john j trainor - 2/7/2006

I think you're referring to article 48 in the constitution of the Weimar Republic which allowed for dictatorship and wherby the reichstag handed Hitler full power. An uncertain comparison for a number of reasons not the least of which is the existence of that pesky thing, the Electoral College. Sorry Gore lost in the arena of HIS choice, the courts but that can hardly invalidate the results. The 2004 election I won't even guess at. If the storm troopers come for you I will both reverse my position as well as sympathize. In the meantime try and relax.

john j trainor - 2/7/2006

Mr Marina, I would think if you wished to land on a carrier it would be imperative to position it, the alternative being a wet and dangerous one. If you seek to connect the positioning with the difference between a mission and total victory I would offer that the first is nautical and the second semantic and never the twain to meet. Now as to mission and victory; by way of example the establishment of a beachead at Normady was a "mission accomplished" as was the liberation of Paris,examples abound. In no case was the war ended but a target or goal achieved. Do you start to get it? Your reference to "a number of people" for the Hitler thing is both amorphous and insubstantial. But if you wish try another one of similar veracity, the earth is flat,the earth is flat. Being repeated I assume it gains validity.

john j trainor - 2/7/2006

Mr Richman, not being obligated to ease your doubts I will take a pass,besides it appears you are asking me to prove a negative and read Rove's mind as well. Mind reading is best left to the NY Times and to those who don't sleep well at night.

Sergio Alejandro M?ndez - 2/5/2006

Rumsfeld seems to have a point. Chavez is like Hitler. Bush on the other side is not...he wasn´t elected to start.

William Marina - 2/4/2006

I assume the "mission" was supposed to be Victory. If it was not, what do you suppose it was? Bush even went to the effort to have the carrier positioned so he could land on it.
I am no Kerry fan, but worse than Bush? Give me a break!!
Of course, a number of people have compared Bush's tyrannical actions and lies to those along the lines of what was happening in Germany in the 1930s orchestrated by Dr. Goebbels. As such, it is apt to keep being repeated. It appears from latest reports that his own "Dr." Rove has lied to the FBI. I do not think that Fitzgerald will let go. It took him six years to put his man in Illinois in jail. Carry on, until that mission is accomplished.

Sheldon Richman - 2/4/2006

I doubt if anyone hangs a sign behind this president without Rove's okay. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

john j trainor - 2/4/2006

No answer on 7:49 post? Let me add, the Hitler thing is worn out especially on a site that has the word "history" in it. This may not be true if you're blogging from a concentartion camp, if you are can I get you anything?

john j trainor - 2/4/2006

It could have been a lot worse. We could have had Filibuster John Kerry in the WH,now that was an example of intelligence. Speaking of which, Bush didn't declare victory,he didn't declare anything as a matter of fact. If you're referring to the Mission Accomplished thing that was the crew's idea. Now, what's the difference between accomplishing a mission and "declaring victory" in a war? I'll check back later for an answer.