Blogs > Cliopatria > That Infinitely Plastic Hansonian Reality

Feb 3, 2006

That Infinitely Plastic Hansonian Reality

On January 6, as I've noted here before, the unfailingly hilarious Victor Davis Hanson wrote a Letter to Europe decrying the decision of that sissified continent to cave in to the Islamofascists. Europe, he wrote to the Europeans, had"dismantled your armed your faith that war has become obsolete." But Hanson also allowed that it might not be too late."Even in this era of crisis, we cling to the notion that in the eleventh hour you, Europe, will yet reawake, rediscover your heritage, and join with us in defending the idea of the West from this latest illiberal scourge of Islamic fascism."

Well, great news. Apparently his letter worked. As Hanson argued in a January 30 column -- same month! -- the crybaby peacenik weenies are wrong that the War on Terror is failing. Why? Because, among other things,"Europe is suddenly galvanizing against Islamic fascism. (France even mentions the unmentionable of targeting terrorist patrons with nuclear weapons.)"

Thank goodness he wrote that letter, yeah? In just 24 days, Victor Davis Hanson managed to galvanize an entire continent that had concluded that war was obsolete and dismantled its armed forces. Amazingly, less than a month after having dismantled their armed forces, France is now ready to use nuclear weapons against terrorists!

And people say nuclear weapons can't be built really quickly. The implications for Iran are clear. I just hope Victor Davis Hanson doesn't send Iran another one of his magic letters!

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 2/3/2006

Correction: We have lost comments posted between about midnight last night and noon today. The webmeisters are working now to restore them.

Ralph E. Luker - 2/3/2006

We seem to be back in full with all comments.

Ralph E. Luker - 2/3/2006

Rob, The system, itself, was briefly down and, when it returned, it was not showing any comments on any HNN page. I've e-mailed Rick Shenkman about it in hopes that they can be recovered. I haven't heard anything back from him yet.

Rob MacDougall - 2/3/2006

Has something happened to all the comments on Cliopatria? Or can I just not see them for some reason?