Blogs > Liberty and Power > Attacks in Iraq are Up

Jan 23, 2006

Attacks in Iraq are Up

Those of you who rely on Victor Davis Hanson and David Horowitz for your Iraq news take note. According to USA Today,

The number of attacks against coalition troops, Iraqi security forces and civilians increased 29% last year, and insurgents are increasingly targeting Iraqis, the U.S. military says. Insurgents launched 34,131 attacks last year, up from 26,496 the year before, according to U.S. military figures released Sunday. Insurgents are widening their attacks to include the expanding Iraqi forces engaged in the fighting, said Brig. Gen. Donald Alston, a coalition spokesman. He added,"It tells me the coalition and the Iraqi forces have been very aggressive in taking the fight to the enemy."

Hat tip Chris Bray at Cliopatria.

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David T. Beito - 1/24/2006

It is still an open question. Is this an army that is dedicated to the defense of Iraq and free institutions? Given the recent election victories of the Shi'ite religious parties, I suspect that the bulk of this army is either made up of time-servers who will break when forced to stand alone or Kurdish or Islamic militia who are imposing their own tryanny of the majority in areas they control.

In either case, I doubt that soldiers in this new army would appreciate or understand Hanson's purple prose about liberty and individual freedom.

Steven R Alvarado - 1/23/2006

"Insurgents are widening their attacks to include the 'expanding' Iraqi forces engaged in the fighting"

Imagine that Iraqis are starting to fight their own battles in spite of the comments by the left to the contrary. I think I'll stick with Hanson.