Blogs > Liberty and Power > Bruce Bartlett's Query (Second Go Around)

Jan 22, 2006

Bruce Bartlett's Query (Second Go Around)

I gave the wrong email in the first version so I am reposting this:

Syndicated columnist Bruce Bartlett asks the help of our readers on the following:

With political scandal being such a prominent issue in the media, I would like to write something about academic scandals. I have Peter Hoffer's book,"Past Imperfect," which details the various frauds perpetrated by Michael Bellesiles, Doris Goodwin, Stephen Ambrose and Joseph Ellis. I would like more examples if there are any, especially from other disciplines. Contact me directly at if you have any suggestions.

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More Comments:

David T. Beito - 1/22/2006

I corrected the original one. It did not originally have a b at the end of Bartlett.

Mark Brady - 1/22/2006

But, David, you've posted the same email address as before.
