Blogs > Liberty and Power > Thatcher: The Musical!

Jan 16, 2006

Thatcher: The Musical!

I suppose it was only a matter of time before an enterprising troupe would stage Thatcher: The Musical!. Well, next month audiences in Warwick can listen to"I’m the iron in the your bloodstream", while the backing singers respond with a chorus of,"Haemoglobin, haemoglobin".

"A production feting and satirising her life receives its world premiere at the 550-seat Warwick Arts Centre in Coventry on February 7 before a national tour.

"It is nothing if not varied, ranging from The Iron Lady, a punk anthem, to The Cabinet Shuffle, a ditty in the style of Noël Coward. . . . Eight actresses play the former Prime Minister in her many incarnations: Grocer’s Daughter, Twinset Maggie, Power Suit Maggie, Military Maggie, Britannia Maggie, Sacrificial Maggie, Broken Maggie and Diva Maggie, each wearing a more voluminous wig than the last until the hair rivals that of Lily Savage. The all-female cast will also play the parts of her friends and enemies."

The official website is here.

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