Blogs > Cliopatria > Three Notes

Jan 14, 2006

Three Notes

The Organization of American Historians and the National Council on Public History will hold their conventions jointly at the Hilton Washington in Washington, D. C., on 19-22 April. The program for the conventions is online.

The new volume of the online Journal of Southern Religion is up. It features work by Edward Blum, Fitzhugh Brundage, Allison Dorsey, Paul Harvey, Charles Lippy, Andrew Moore, and others.

Rob MacDougall may have more to say about it in tomorrow's History Carnival, but Jeremy Boggs and Caleb McDaniel spotted Digital History Hacks, a new blog by Rob's colleague at the University of Western Ontario, William J. Turkel. His post,"Teaching Young Historians to Search, Spider, and Scrape," is of special interest. If you plunder the blogrolls at Turkel and Boggs' sites, as we are used to plundering other historians' footnotes, you'll find remarkable new history blog infestations at both George Mason and Western Ontario universities.

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